How Good is Your Business Etiquette?
Posted by Louellen Essex on November 6, 2014 in Uncategorized
An important aspect of professionalism is developing good business etiquette that casts you in the best of lights, no matter what situation you encounter. Etiquette means being appropriate, gracious, and polite. It requires knowing the rules that dictate good manners. Test your awareness in these situations:
1. T or F The following is a proper introduction: _ Mr. Boss, I would like you to meet our client, Ms. Anderson._
2. T or F If someone forgets to introduce you, it is appropriate to move on with the conversation without saying anything.
3. T or F If you forget someone’s name, let it go and keep talking.
4. T or F It’s acceptable to hold private conversations in office bathrooms, elevators, and other public places.
5. T or F If you invite a client to lunch, it’s appropriate to split the bill.
6. T or F It’s acceptable to put your phone on the table during a business lunch.
7. T or F In a meeting, it is OK to multi-task by checking your email and responding to important messages.
8. T or F Your professional image is somewhat dependent on your appearance, i.e.dress, and body language.
9. T or F Please and Thank You, in person, on the phone, and in email can be saved for your most formal communication.
10. T or F Punctuality is hard to achieve in today’s busy work environment, so being late should be expected.
The attitudes and practices described above all indicate poor business etiquette, so the right response to each is False.
1. Always introduce the most important person first, so in this case introduce the client to your boss. Use first and last names for a proper introduction.
2. Introduce yourself. _ I’m ____. I don’t believe we’ve met._ Others need to know with whom they are communicating.
3. Say, Your face is familiar; please help me with your name. Or, say your name and wait for the other person to respond accordingly.
4. You can never be sure who might be listening. Don’t get caught in an embarrassing situation that could even be career derailing.
5. The host – the one who does the inviting – pays for lunch.
6. Not even glancing at your phone to look at the time is appropriate when with a business associate. Give the person your full attention, so you don’t appear to be rude.
7. A distracted image tells others you are not fully present and damages your professional image. If you are expecting an urgent call or email, let the group know, then step out of the room to respond. Make sure your phone is on vibrate.
8. Your dress and body language account for fifty-five percent of what you communicate to others, so how you look is a highly significant factor in your professional image. Business casual does not mean appearing sloppy.
9. Please and Thank You should always be used. They are essential to good manners.
10. Being respectful of other people’s time, one of the marks of a true professional, means being consistently punctual.
Take care to mind your manners. Always view your actions from the other person’s perspective to cultivate the impression that will serve you well and model for others what it means to be a true professional
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